Take Steps To Initiate Friendship

Vishal Kumar Rajpal
3 min readAug 2, 2022


@miinyuii in Unsplash

It has been a long since you have been waiting for someone to hold your hand and encourage you to make friends.

That’s it, you have been shy for too long. But not from today.

Don’t mistake shyness for introverts. I am an introvert, but I have overcome my inhibition of being shy around people. And my excuse also used to be the same, that I am an introvert.

I remember the day when I stopped being shy and started taking the initiative in making friends. I wanted to enjoy my time with like-minded people, and it turned out to be one of my best decisions.

Initially, I thought it would be awkward, but I found out it is not. Like me, everyone (this is in human genes) was looking to make friends or connect with someone.

Everyone from your boss to your office colleague wants to have a friendship.

In this article, I am not going to share with you some tips or tricks for persuasion to make friends. They rarely work. Here I am going to change your perception and will encourage you to make an initiation in making friends.

Friendship: A need of an hour.

Like exercise and diet, having friends, and enjoying time with them is equally important.

We all know that exercising and eating healthy every day makes us happy and healthy people. But today most of us are turning our focus to health and wellness, but more than that we have stopped caring about our social life.

In many scientific studies, it is proven that we humans need a social connection to feel complete.

I believe that friendship is a powerful emotion, one that can drive us in finding our purpose, and meaning in life and encourage us to stay healthy and live longer.

With our friends, we got to learn a lot.

Take my case, earlier I had no interest in politics or international relations. But one of my friends is passionate about it. Now over time hanging out with him and listening to him talk passionately about international politics his ideas, ideals, and knowledge also rubbed on me, and my political thinking also improved.

This is a small example, but it proved my point. Many great authors, entrepreneurs, inventors, etc have friends alongside them when they were facing low in their life. They helped them to move forward, it is no doubt that when we are facing low having someone to encourage us helps us a long way.

Even many successful marriages have been attributed to having mutual respect and friendship working for them.

That’s why I want you to take initiation to make friends, it will change your life and in turn, make you a better person.

Now I know I have already said that tricks and tips don’t work when you are forming any friends. And I am still standing my ground. All you have to do is take initiation in forming a friendship. But I can make your process easier.

For that following these affirmative actions, will make you make friends easier.

Show kindness and respect: I am adding this above all because it is the most important thing. Start by being kind and respectful to people and they will surely respond with the same.

Smile more: It not only tells another person that you are open for conversation but also having a smile on your face is the best thing you will do for self-love.

Greet the person: Doesn’t it light up your day when you are waiting in a coffee queue and the barrister smile at you and greets you? Saying thank you and please is some small thing that shows that you are a kind and respectful person.

Finally, take interest in them: Take a genuine interest in what they do and what they are. It makes people happy when someone genuinely appreciates their personality, and uniqueness (in my case my quirks).

That’s it.

Do remember that you should not force a friendship with someone, it never works. All you have to do is be genuine and develop the confidence to meet different people.



Vishal Kumar Rajpal
Vishal Kumar Rajpal

Written by Vishal Kumar Rajpal

Hey, I am cosmpolitian marketer, here sharing my insights on marketing, business and everday observations. Website: invishalrajpal.com & invishalrajpal.blog

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