Be like Sliding Doors: Welcome People & Ideas Into Your Life

Vishal Kumar Rajpal
3 min readJan 9, 2024


Photo by R ARCHITECTURE on Unsplash

We’ve all encountered those majestic sliding doors that open automatically with sensors.

This simple invention is great for folks like me who often get confused about whether to push or pull with the traditional doors (or, as I like to call them, “Boomer’s Door”).

But here’s the catch: these doors lack the satisfaction of slamming a door in someone’s whether out of anger or just for kicks.

Don’t worry; today is not a day to discuss doors, but why we need to be just like Sliding doors.

Be Like Sliding Door

It’s no wonder that today, more than ever, we humans often set stupid boundaries, conditions, criteria and many complex steps for someone or any idea to get into our life.

And most importantly once they get in, we make it harder for them to leave.

Generally, we act just like pesky traditional doors, making most people confused about whether to push or pull while entering our life and exiting from it.

Have you ever noticed people don’t like someone’s personality, interest or person just because it doesn’t match theirs?

Or you might have yourself done the same. Feeling guilty, don’t be.

It’s time for change! Here, let me share one memory of my life that made me more empathetic.

Book, Painting, Genius, and creativity all act as Sliding Doors

The best examples of sliding doors are books, paintings, movies or anything out in the open made by genius & creative people. Where you can enter and exit anytime you want.

Think about it with books; you open it, and voila, you’re whisked away to a different world woven by the author. And there is no condition that you have to finish it off in one sitting; you can leave and enter anytime.

The same goes with painting; you can stare at it as long as you want and analyze it as long as you want, but there is no condition for you to stick around.

If you observe, most genius and creative people around you love to share. And they don’t drop hints but rather open up their doors to conversation.

Helping you make relationships and attract opportunities

Being open will help you to make more friendships and get more opportunities.

Overall, it will help you develop more as an individual human, getting you more experience about the world and many more things that were limited when you were not open to experiencing them.

Astrology Enthusiast & Muggles

I agree that you don’t like astrology, horoscope or someone who follows it, but still, you can listen to them. They might know the best time to buy that Million-dollar lottery ticket.

Similarly goes with those who like it and don’t understand why people don’t follow it. Don’t worry; they are just muggles trying to live muggle lives.

Marketing team & finance team

In most companies, there is a constant struggle to build harmony among different teams.

One of the best examples is the infamous rivalry and struggle with the finance and marketing teams. Both do different work, with different skills and mindsets, making it harder for them to work together and understand each other.

But ironically, both are equally woven together. Marketing brings revenue, and finance drives marketing goals.

As they realize how crucial both are for driving growth, the conversation shifts from “Who is the best or right?” to “How can we work together?”.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not teaching you to be more compassionate or emphatic (visit church for this); neither am I telling you to become more curious or seek more (capitalism is already doing that).

Pro tip: if you fail in any of these, there are countless books.

But I am suggesting you become less inhibited and more open-hearted & minded, and, if possible, a dash of helpful 😉.

Also, being a sliding door doesn’t mean you must be there 24X7 or stop respecting yourself and your time.

But next time, if someone greets you with a ‘Hey,’ return the greeting with a smile 😁.

Credit: This idea isn’t original to me. I stumbled upon this analogy in The Economic Times of India’s ‘Speaking Truth’ article by Najim Shah.



Vishal Kumar Rajpal
Vishal Kumar Rajpal

Written by Vishal Kumar Rajpal

Hey, I am cosmpolitian marketer, here sharing my insights on marketing, business and everday observations. Website: &

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