10 Practice To Self Love Your Mind, Body & Spirit

Vishal Kumar Rajpal
4 min readApr 17, 2021


What is the real essence of self-love?

Buying luxury cars or partying on the Thailand beaches? Though they are attractive, the real essence of self-love is not settling for anything less than you deserve.

Check out these ten pieces of advice which will help you start loving yourself.

1) Eat healthily and mindfully:

By eating healthy and mindfully you are telling your body that you believe in nourishment. When you start practicing mindful eating you will start observing many benefits. Like weight loss, you will avoid binge eating and above all, you will feel more wholesome and peaceful. According to Ayurveda, the real essence of eating food is to connect your soul with mother earth. Sharing a meal with your dearly loved ones or chanting a prayer before you eat will make your soul and body happy. And who doesn’t want a happy body and soul?

2) Unplug:

A healthy and balanced relationship with technology is crucial today more than ever. We understand that for you ditching Instagram, Linked In or any social media is not easy. But still, you need to learn how to manage your digital intake. Start by challenging unplug one day a week and then gradually increase.

3) Learn to say no:

“I’m actually as proud of the things we haven’t done as the things I have done. Innovation is sayingno’ to 1,000 things. You have to pick carefully.” — Steve Jobs

Many times we come across a request and because of our self imposed

mandatory kindness we compelled ourselves to agree on every request, even if we have to scrap our own important time to do them. But learning how to say no is one of the most life-altering decisions you will ever make. Not only this will earn you respect from family and friends but you will start respecting yourself more. Doing this simple practice will give you more time and energy. With that extra energy and time, you can use it for something productive.

4) Get Creative, build something:

In the journey of loving yourself, it is important to dive into a creative endeavor. Start from today, write that story you had, or better paint something. Do anything you like, start an NGO about something you care for. The point is to explore your weirdness, goofiness, and uniqueness. Become a creator, and keep no expectations while you are in the creative process. Enjoy the journey.

5) Give up toxic people from your life:

Toxic people are everywhere, you can’t win from them but you can change your attitude. Avoiding the company of Toxic people is going to be one of the best decisions you will ever make. They are energy drainers, they empty your hope, and blind your faith. Generally, it is harder to avoid them because they are in the form of your close family and friend. That’s why it is important to identify them and detox them from your life.

6) Break the FOMO loop:

FOMO means Fear of missing out. Missing out from society imposed fun or important things which others are doing. A passive person in the FOMO loop misses out on their life. They will always think that they are missing something. But this habit is depressing and belaying you to live in present. A trapped soul in FOMO hardly stays sane, take the oath from breaking this trap.

7) Stop the comparison game

To love ourselves we first have to stop comparing ourselves. Today most of us compare with every other person. Think about it today we have 24/7 access to view the best part of everyone else’s life with one click. Generally, people only post the highlight feature of their life on their social media accounts. These habits compel us to compare ourselves. But this is not reality, it’s far from the truth.

8) Be Reasonable over rational:

Self-loving has a lot to do with your mindset and attitude over your surrounding. Being rational with our approach to living life by thinking logically, is not a good idea. What a rational mind will suggest to you is to optimize every hour of your day. But what a healthy reasonable mind will suggest to you is to focus on your goals. The idea here is to develop EQ in your life.

9) Exercise :

Pushing yourself to do any sort of exercise will turn your body healthy. And will make you a strong person. Engaging yourself in any physical activity will improve your mood. You can practice James Clear’s formula of forming habits. By doing anything every day for only 2 minutes and slowly you increase the time. What worked for me is to stop going gym but rather doing yoga and playing sports, which I love to do. You can also pick any sort of physical exercise you want to do.

10) Living in the present:

“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called present.” — Oogway from Kung Fu Panda

Being present is one of the most underrated skills a person could integrate into his life. Many great leaders and creative artists have given a great significance in living at present. Practicing living in present will increase your emotional stability. And most importantly it will push you to improve yourself every minute.

Living in the present will help understand the value of time



Vishal Kumar Rajpal
Vishal Kumar Rajpal

Written by Vishal Kumar Rajpal

Hey, I am cosmpolitian marketer, here sharing my insights on marketing, business and everday observations. Website: invishalrajpal.com & invishalrajpal.blog

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